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Emerson Pascua on the Art of Drag, Importance of Pride and dealing with Social Criticisms

Serving charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent. Emerson “Margaux” Pascua is one trailblazing person.

Photography by Fitzgerald Belen @ SSBLN Studios

Styling and Makeup by Emerson Pascua

A perspective on the Art of Drag

Emerson as the owner of Wigs by Margaux in which he style wigs for an array of drag queens here in the Philippines defines his perspective in the art of drag in this month's issue. He expressed how the art of drag is political. That this is an avenue to voice out social issues and make people feel empowered when they're in drag. He also added that by having drag being openly seen in the mainstream media allows Drag Queens to fully educate the people and that this is something that should be accepted and taken seriously.

On the importance of Pride

As the release of SSBLN Philippines we celebrate Pride. Emerson shared his thoughts on how important pride is to him. That this is not only where we party and celebrate our individuality and identity. But there is a bigger picture behind the wigs, colorful makeups, the glitz, and glamour of Pride month. Pride is something that is political and that it is a burning passion that brings hope and peace to the community.

Dealing with social criticisms

Emerson also shared his fair share of societal criticisms with the way he acts and show himself to the people. Retaining his beard and wearing makeup and a dress is a statement for Emerson in this issue; to broadcast to the world that you don't get to dictate ones persons way of expressing himself or the way he should look just because he said he identifies as this in the wide spectrum of gender.

Read Emerson's full interview in the June issue of SSBLN Philippines here:


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